
Lakshit Rawal

I am a Artist

Lakshit Rawal

Entry-level Video editor and Graphic designer trained at zee institute. Fluent in Adobe creative suits Enthusiastic about creating new animations and designs for entertainment marketing and business needs. Deadline-driven artist focused on overseeing project from concept through final delivery. Clear communicator and collaborative team player with an eye for detail and skill in customer relations.

  • Kota, Rajasthan.
  • +91-8290115652

My Professional Skills

Passionate About doing my work. | Fluent in communication skills and interpersonal relationships. | Able to easily interact with fellow mates and clients.| Working to short lead times. | Confident, friendly and easy to get along with. | Extremely amazing in organizing. | Great managerial.

Video Editing 90%
Graphic Designing 80%
2D Animation 65%
Audio Editing 60%
completed project
Happy Clients
current projects
  • 2D Animation

    Revolving Planet

    Flying Kite

    Bouncing Ball


  • Cartoon Character


  • Poster Design


  • Vector Art


  • Matte Painting


    What is a matte painting?

    matte painting is a painted representation of a landscape, set, or distant location that allows filmmakers to create the illusion of an environment that is not present at the filming location.

    My Moto

    The three response to a design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.
    I am here to represent your brand perfectly in the audio-visual media.

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